If you're looking for a personal loan, your income and repayment capacity are key factors to consider. The Personal Loan Eligibility Calculator can help you figure out if you're eligible for a personal loan based on your income and repayment capabilities. Your credit history, credit score, and other financial obligations, among other things, all play a role in determining your personal loan eligibility.

How to use FundsTiger's Personal Loan Eligibility Calculator?
Take-home Monthly Salary or Income in: Enter your net monthly salary or income.
Loan Tenure (in Months): Enter the loan term you'd want to take out. A longer tenure improves one's eligibility.
Input the current loan interest rate in percent per annum.
Other EMIs (Monthly): Add up all the EMIs from any other debts you may have.
Personal Loan Eligibility is calculated based on various factors like
Individuals' loan eligibility or repayment capacity is mostly determined by their income and previous loan EMIs (s). Age, financial situation, other income, credit history, credit score, and other financial responsibilities such as a Home Loan, Two Wheeler Loan, Consumer Durable Loan, Car Loan, Personal Loan, Credit Card debt, and so on all play a role in determining loan eligibility.
How to increase Personal Loan eligibility?
The ability to get a personal loan can be improved by
Adding a family member who works as a Co-Applicant.
Providing valid documentary verification of additional income sources on a regular basis (if any e.g. rental income)
Keeping track of your variable salary components, such as bonuses and other incentives.
Taking steps to correct any flaws in your credit/CIBIL score (if any).
Repayment of existing debts' EMIs on a regular basis.
The FundsTiger Personal Loan Eligibility Calculator allows you to assess your personal loan eligibility online. The calculations are just intended to serve as a guide. The actual outcome is determined by a number of factors. We make no guarantees about their correctness or suitability to your specific circumstances.
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